Monday, February 15, 2016

A Pro Life Teen in a Pro Resistance World

Every time I walk outside the confines of my dorm room, I am exposed to a world that is unlike the one I knew as a child. When asked if I was pro life at the tender age of 6, I would say yes without even so much as a second thought. This was most likely because my views were not a defining factor in my life at that point. My father and mother told me that we believed something, and I never questioned their reasoning. My beliefs were definite, and they were never met with any sort of doubt or counterargument. In fact, this is how so many of us grow up, especially if we are homeschooled and grow up in a Roman Catholic community like I did. But at some point in our lives, we realize that life isn't all smiles and shaking of hands like Sunday morning before Communion. There is resistance, hate and remorse towards good and charitable works. Religion is looked down upon, and those who are religious are written off as ignorant and anti-science. Stereotypes are used to define us, and labels can cause us to be judged by our peers before they even meet us. 

With this blog, I will be delving into apologetics for the pro life cause from the perspective of a teenager in the 21st century. I hope that my posts will be applicable to readers that are religious, non-religious, and everything in between. I know what it is like to be brave and unfaltering in the face of adversity, and I hope that by reading my posts, you can too! Please be sure to share with your friends! We will be the generation that ends abortion. :) 

-Mary Alice

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